Browsing For Content

When browsing Pegmedia, there are a few different ways of finding content between Shows and Episodes.

Dashboard Collections

When you first login to the application, you'll be presented with some collections on the Home Dashboard. These are quick "at a glance" things such as New from your state, Most recently added and Most downloaded. Clicking on an item will bring you to that episode where you can preview the video, or purchase/download the content.

If you want to see more items in a collection, you can click on the "See more" link beneath that collection to see additional items.

"Browse Shows"

On the navigation sidebar, you can select "Browse Shows" to look at more content at once.

When Browsing Shows, you can change the list criteria on the right by selecting one of the items:

  • Recently Updated
    Shows that recently had new episodes added
  • Shows From My State
    Only shows produced within your state
  • Sponsored Shows
    Shows that are sponsored, and are available at no cost to users to download
  • All Shows
    All shows in alphabetical order

Searching Site

The persistent search bar across the top of the application is available for searching across the full platform, and some pages have the search bar contextually relevant to the page you are on, depending on what the "placeholder text" shows.

  • "Search all content"
    Will search your term across episode names, episode descriptions and show names.
  • "Search Shows" while on browse shows
    Will search shows within the show list that you currently have selected. (Example: Searching "Truck" while browsing the "Sponsored Shows" list will return sponsored shows with the term "Truck")

Searching Episodes within a Show

Searching for episodes within a show

When on a Show page, the search bar to the right of "Episodes" header will search only the episodes within that show. (Example: If on the show "Susans Cookbook", searching for "Shepards Pie" will only search episodes containing that term on "Susans Cookbook").

You can clear the search and return to showing all episodes by clicking "Clear Search".

Episode Badges

Episodes showing different "Badges" on the thumbnail

Episode thumbnails within collections, search and show listings will display informational badges, including:

  • "New": This episode was added within the last 7 days.
  • "Previously Downloaded": This episode has already been previously downloaded by you.